Data Center Colocation

$1,000.00 every month

By choosing colocation services from BendTECH, you can avoid the inconvenience and expense of running your own data center, while retaining ownership, supervision, and direct access to your computer and storage resources.

Our facility enables you to extend or terminate your data center presence by deploying and overseeing your infrastructure. With colocation, you can eliminate the need for investing in the physical components of your data center, such as floor space, power supply, and cooling, while retaining authority over your servers, storage, network, and protection.

-$100 - $200 per U per month

-15A Power

-1Gbps Fiber Internet Service

-24 x 7 x 365 Access

-Diverse A & B Power Available (fully separate PDUs, Panels)

-Card keyed doors and other onsite security measures
